Proof of Vaccination For Those Aged 12 And Upwards

From 3rd Feb 2021,13-15-year-olds will be able to sign up to the NHS app using their own e-mail address and as long as they pass validation with a passport, they will get access to covid vaccine certificates and also recovery certificates which will appear ten days after a positive covid PCR test and remain valid until 180 days after the date of the test. They will be able to order repeat prescriptions, if they have any, but won’t be able to have automatic access to the medical record. 

There will be a QR code printed for each vaccine and it will have a validity period 1 month. The document may need to be ordered again if a foreign trip is planned after the date of expiry.

If aged 16 or over, patients can get a digital pass via the NHS app as well. 

Paper certificates can be ordered via 119.

To get the pass look here:

and the direct link to get the paper copy is here:

With thanks,

The Vernon and Lanes Medical Centre